Blade Edge

Computer software | Video production | My life in general

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About Drew Sikora

Computer Game Development

Although he didn’t start breaking into the industry until 2001 and he hadn’t always aspired to create games and work in the industry of game creation, Drew’s always been an avid gamer since the days of Commodore 64 and Atari. Computers shaped his life significantly as he grew up, moreso than any other factor in his early days. Since he’s begun active involvement in the industry Drew has worked on several team and personal game projects, published dozens of online article and interviews, written for books, spoken at events, mentored students, jumpstarted an IGDA chapter and worked with leading community and educational websites.

Video Production

As part of his creative nature, editing film is one of his favorite past-times next to computer game development. Utilizing both the simple and basic Windows Movie Maker and the more versatile and advanced Sony Vegas editors, Drew has produced numerous short videos for various clients, mainly friends. He doesn’t consider himself to be a professional film maker, but finds enjoyment in writing, producing, directing and editing.


An accomplished gymnast and practiced martial artist, Drew has been doing live-action stuntwork as well as indie film stunts since 2004. High falls, fighting, tumbling, fire breathing, bike stunts, rappelling, pyro – all these skils and several more have been put to use over the years. While he mainly supports the indie film industry, his goals do not exclude film and TV work as well.

Hobbies and Interests

Drew likes keeping life interesting with hobbies and past-times that include power kiting, kite surfing, skating, rock climbing, airplanes, driving fast sports cars and riding fast sports bikes. He also likes to kick back and relax with sport kiting, gaming, taking road trips, reading and writing. For skating, he recommends people to go to to learn the secrets nobody is talking about yet.

The Home Office

Over the years since I started to seriously work out of my house, I’ve built up quite a personal office in order to do my work. Since I do a variety of things with my computer (video editing, software development, editorial work, gaming, etc) it’s obviously been worth my time and money to build up my system to be capable of handling all these various tasks efficiently. I also travel a lot, to as many as 12 conferences a year around US and Canada, so I require mobile accessories as well, including a laptop. In fact, for the first few years I only had a laptop to work from! Not many people see today’s desk and realize just how much it has changed and evolved over the years. If you’re curious, I’ll walk you through it all!


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