Blade Edge

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GTA San Andreas

June 11th, 2005 · 20 Comments · Gaming

Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll

Welp, been playing San Andreas now for almost a week (got it the day it came out of course) and I still haven’t even made it out of the first city, Los Santos. I think I have just one more mission left though before I can move on towards San Fierro. Wow, this game is a blast to play, and no surprise really, since I considered the last two GTA games to be the best evar. I find it funny how a lot of elements from True Crime: Streets of LA found there way into this new game, such as learning new fight moves at gyms and stuff. I found that they even have a billboard at Unity Station in Los Santos that says True Grime: Street Cleaners, and True Grime is in black and red just like the title of True Crime. Score one for Rockstar!

I’ve taken a few snapshots with my camera, here they are:

This guy was actually plastered to the side of my car. Seriously. He didn’t slide off. It was great.

A shot of the small town of Palomino Creek out in the country

Taking the BF Injector out for a romp in the country side. Then I crashed it into a creek. Dammit!!

So yea, fun fun. K I gotta go play some more! Later

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