Crap. (and maybe another crap)
So the first crap comes from the 7-Eleven where I want to shoot the opening of my short fight film. I was there last year to shoot some footage with a friend and the guy behind the counter was totally cool with it. Because of troubles with my bike shortly thereafter, we were unable to complete the scene. Coming back to it this year, I wanted to try some different camera angles and move the camera around a bit more (original footage had it locked to a tripod). So my stunt partner, Dizzle, and I went back to the 7-Eleven location to film a few quick shots, at around 8pm. We get there and start filming at the guy behind the counter gives us strange looks. So I walk in (like last time) and tell him we’re just doing a small film. He freaks out and calls his boss as we continue outside. He then comes out and tells us we have to stop. So I tell him to call his boss back and ask him why were we allowed to film last year and not now? Apparently the store owner never even knew about last year. So I told him I’d come in the next day (today) and we’d talk. So I show up and he’s not around, and I can’t wait around. I leave the clerk (same guy as last night) my cell number and ask him to give it to the owner. I still haven’t gotten a call back.
Bah. While I understand the store owner’s concern – for all he knows we’re filming a spoof on 7-Eleven that could damage his business – I wish it hadn’t come to this. I’m going to try again sometime next week to stop in and see if he’s there. If I catch him and he demands I get a permit to film on his property well, screw that. I’m not bothering with that crap for a no-budget film. I like the location but I can make changes to the opening scene so it doesn’t have to be filmed at a location other than my god damn house.
And the second (maybe) crap is that my friend, who works at the gym I’m planning to use to set the actual fighting, may be no longer working there before I can finish the choreography and the entire movie. If that’s the case, at least I’m sure I can get in the first scene of fighting, which by itself is pretty badass.
Speaking of that scene, Dizzle and I got a chance to really work through it at the gym location this afternoon, and I started taking a kick to the face and spinning over a low wall – with a small mat on the other side of course. We mde several more minor tweaks to the fight, nothing major – just where to take certain hits and how to tavel as we fight so that we end up in tha proper spots to sell everything properly and leave room for the camera to capture it. The desk lady there said it all looked really good and real – which means it’s even going to look more awesome on camera.
I got the month of January ’05 ported over from the GDNet journal too. Wheee.
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