Last year, in my original journal over at GDNet, I mentioned that I was working on a fight video with my friends. After spending one night shooting the opening scene, my bike’s tail lights went out completely and by the time I was able to order new ones the weather had gotten too cold to continue filming the rest of the bike scenes. While we planned to work out the fight choreography over the winter and pickup shooting again in the spring, things didn’t quite work out that way. I can’t pin our lack of effort on any one thing, but the end result is that nothing happened until last month when I finally revisited the idea, wrote up an actual screenplay nd storyboarded the entire film.
Now tonight my friend and I finally got back to working on the fight choreography, and we are both very pleased with the progress we’ve made. Despite the 8 month absence from the project we were able to pick up right where we left off thanks to me having our initial rehearsals recorded. I stuck the videos on my iTouch and we were able to watch them again and again to re-learn the moves. Looking back at the sequence after so much time gave us a fresh set of eyes as well, and we were able to improve a lot to make it flow better. We have half of the opening fight scene pretty much locked down after only two hours of work. Not too shabby for… ohhh I’d say about 28 moves?
I might, after we get this third and final version of the sequence on tape, put together a quick “making of” showing the iteration of the fight sequence and why we changed up certain things. For now though I’m just happy we’re working on it again, and hope we go all the way. The film is not supposed to be any longer than 15 minutes, so that’s a very realistic goal for my first movie.
More updates as they come!
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