How to Stay Healthy While Travelling

There is nothing worse than going on holiday and getting sick. You have saved and waited a long time for your trip. The big day arrives, and you reach your destination, but a day later you get sick! And the fun continues without you while you recover. It is never fun being sick. But if you get sick on holidays, you are wasting your money on a trip you don’t get to experience. For this reason, it is imperative to stay healthy while travelling. Further, when holidays offer so much temptation, it is easy to slip into unhealthy living.
Consequently, we have compiled the ten best ways you can stay healthy while travelling. Some of these are common sense, but a reminder always helps. You don’t need to miss out on the good times when you remember these 10 tips on how to stay healthy while travelling.
1. Prevention & Optimal Health
Staying healthy on holiday starts before you leave. See your doctor for a check-up to make sure you are in optimal health. Have a chat about the recommended vaccinations for the country you are going to. Further, read Lonely Planet’s health section and then make your own decision about being immunized. We have travelled in Asia for so long we do as the locals do and don’t take any vaccinations. However, that’s not to say when we go to South America or Africa that we will not consider the advised shots.
We always travel with Lonely Planet for every new country we visit. Travel blogs are great, but Lonely Planet includes comprehensive destination information as well as the essentials like health. Regardless of which source you use, be sure to read up on the country you are visiting and be aware of any potential health risks.
Travelling with vitamins is one of the ways we maintain our health. We travel with multivitamins, magnesium and vitamin c and we take these regularly. If we feel a flu-like illness coming on, we have zinc and echinacea. We recommend you start taking vitamins a few weeks before your trip and start eating healthy, get lots of sleep and drink lots of water. Perhaps even go on a detox. There’s plenty of time to drink tasty cocktails and wines on your holiday.
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2. Sleep – Get Enough!
To be in top condition for your holiday, be sure you get lots of rest and sleep. Do this both before your holiday and during it. We hear of many people trying to finish all their work before they go on holidays. There are late nights spent working as they try making up for the time they are away. So they start their holiday exhausted. Check out the Best weight loss pills for women.
Don’t be exhausted. You can’t always do everything. Get lots of rest and sleep before your holiday. And make sure you do the same during the holiday. Your body needs physical rest after flights. It also needs recovery after lots of walking that is typical when sightseeing. After a good nights sleep, you will have a more fabulous day sightseeing the next day.

3. Preventing Flu – No. 1 Way to Stay Healthy While Travelling
So you are off to a roaring start and feeling healthy and rested. Catching planes, trains and buses leave you susceptible to germs and illnesses. We always travel with a scarf and wrap ourselves up with it on transport. If it is cold, it keeps us warm. If it’s sunny, it offers protection from the sun.
We also travel with face masks. And call us germophobes, but we breathe our own air and protect ourselves from people coughing and sneezing. We started wearing them after we had arrived from Sydney to Thailand, on two separate occasions, with the flu. We feel a little embarrassed that we look like freaks. And we know there is controversy about whether they work or not, but since we started wearing them, we haven’t gotten sick. And now with the outbreak of the coronavirus, people are more cautious, and face masks are more common.
Further, everything you touch on a plane, bus or train has had many hands touch it. You’ve heard it repeatedly, wash your hands! These words are most significant when travelling. Make sure to do it as often as you can and always before eating. Additionally, carry wet wipes and hand sanitizer in your bag. Use them liberally during flights and tours, especially if you are touching things like handrails and when there is no soap and water available. Also, avoid touching your face. And if someone is coughing nearby, walk away and aim for at least 1.5 metres space between you. Your priority is, to stay healthy while travelling.
Additionally, be ready for temperature changes if you are travelling from one season to another. If you are travelling in winter, pack the right clothes and bring layers, warm hats, gloves, socks and waterproof gear.
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