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Range Report

January 19th, 2013 · No Comments · Personal

Happy New Year! We tend to see the new year as an opportunity to make changes and pursue new goals. And often we accomplish these goals by doing small things, day in and day out, that add up over time.

Why not kick off the new year with our 31 Days of Wellness challenge?

Check out these easy tips — one for each day in January — you can put into practice right away. You’ll find topics like eating well, being more physically active, managing stress, and much more. Are you ready? Your healthiest year yet starts now!


  1. Don’t skip meals. When you go without food for longer than three or four hours, your blood sugar drops. This can lead to overeating and feeling too tired to be active. Instead, stick to a regular schedule of three healthy meals and two snacks each day.


  1. Take time to enjoy your meals. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to know when your stomach is full. You can consume a lot of extra calories in 20 minutes, especially when you are eating fast! Try different ways to train yourself to eat slowly. Chew each mouthful 10 times. Put down your utensils between bites. If you’re with others, take breaks to focus on the conversation.


  1. Focus on the facts. The Nutrition Facts, that is. Don’t let healthy-sounding terms on food labels mislead you. Words like “whole-grain,” “multigrain,” “light,” and “fat-free” don’t tell the whole story. Check the Nutrition Facts label for serving size and calories per serving. Those are the facts, no matter what else the label says.


  1. Make your kitchen healthier. Your success with any goal depends on your commitment to making it easier. Your living environment plays a powerful role here. Today, look at your kitchen and see what changes you can make to encourage your new healthy habits.


  1. Floss your teeth. Flossing is an important oral hygiene practice because tooth decay and gum disease can develop when plaque builds up on teeth and along the gum line. If flossing isn’t already part of your routine, getting started today can make a big difference in your oral health. Check these phenq reviews.


  1. Practice optimism. Give yourself the gift of optimism today. Make a choice to notice and appreciate what you have rather than what you don’t. Remember that no matter what the situation, how you perceive it is up to you. See the opportunity instead of the problem; you and those around you will benefit.


  1. Eat a rainbow of vegetables today. The color of a vegetable is a clue to some of the nutrients inside. By eating a wide variety of colors, you will get a broad range of nutrients. A mix of color on your plate will make eating vegetables more appealing, too!


  1. Go off the beaten path. Try a new location or route for exercise. Walk around your neighborhood or at a museum, nature center, or zoo. Use a guest pass to try a gym. Take your bike to a local park. A change of scenery will add a little spice to your activity routine — and you just might make some new friends, too. This is how chillwell ac works.


  1. Wash your hands. Hand washing is one of the easiest steps we can take to protect ourselves from getting sick or spreading germs to others — and, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most effective. Yet many of us don’t do it often enough. Why not start today?


  1. Try strength training. Strength training, also known as resistance training, is a great form of physical activity to add into a well-balanced exercise routine. Strength training can improve muscular strength, increase bone density, aid in weight management, improve posture and balance — and has many other health benefits.  

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