Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll
Well, it was a good haul this xmas. I figured I’d make my family fend for themselves this year – my xmas list consisted of one item and a few stores where I wanted gift cards. Ironically, that one item is the only thing I didn’t get on xmas morning… because apparently is still needs to be shipped
Here’s my first haul of the day, from my immediate family (Mom, Dad and 2 sisters). We open gifts and stockings in the morning. We have here:
- K’nex set – I love K’nex (and Legos) and I haven’t had anything to build since I was like 14 so this was a pleasant surprise 🙂
- Seaweed – sounds gross but is soooo yummy, you should try some
- Burger King card – gotta love the King
- Signspotting 2 – book with crazy stupid funny signs like from Thailand: “Anyone. Caught. Shoplifter will be shot 100 times the value of stolen item(s)” – awesome
- Black cargo pants – they’re all I wear. Seriously
- Underwear – I can’t seem to go a Christmas without underwear *sigh* thanks Mom 😛
- Star Wars Vault – huge book with tons of inserted Star Wars collectible items by Star wars Collector God, Steve Sansweet
- Orange Crush and 7-up Jelly Bellys – mmmmmm candy
- Magellan Maestro 4040 GPS – this was a surprise indeed! With bluetooth so I can hook it up to my phone. Fits perfectly into the empty navigation display area in my dash too!
- Laundry bag – if I had gone to college this would have been useful
- Legend of Zelda t-shirt – yea baby, and just as my Legend of Time t-shirt was starting to get worn out
- Best Buy and Borders gift cards – can’t go wrong with gift cards
In the afternoon the rest of the family comes over to our place for more gift giving goodness:
- Lennox ornament – all the cousins get one every year
- Crank-powered LED flashlight – I’ll keep it in my car for emergencies
- Gillette Fusion electric razor – smooth shave
- WalMart gift card – I can spend hours in WalMart
- Origami candy box – my grandmother is Japanese and she gives all the cousins $100 each xmas in various ways. This is what she did this year
- Best Buy gift card – I have enough to buy a new Radeon HD 3850, yes it is tempting
- Visa gift cards – more moolah to spend as I wish
What a haul this year. I still haven’t had time to play around with my GPS unit hooked up to my computer, tho I have taken it out driving with me even if I don’t need it just cause it’s so cool, hahaha.
Was looking around Journal Land here and other people got some cool gifts as well. Good stuff.
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