Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll
So I attempted some serious online play tonight in Guitar Hero III after a bit of warm up (both at a friend’s house earlier tonight and at home). I created Pro Face-Off Expert games with best of 3 songs and started sending people home crying to their mommies. Well, the first opponent quit before the first song was even halfway through. The next three games made it through two songs each, with me winning both. Finally I came up against Jammamamma. Now, consider the name Jammamamma and just picture the implications of losing to such a person. And I did. Almost. At the start of the match, each player gets to choose a song. I chose Paint it Black (which I find is a good benchmark song for testing other player’s skills) and Jammamamma chose Impulse. After cleanly winning Paint it Black, I was confident in playing Impulse for only the second time ever, since the last match I played Impulse for the first time ever and blew my opponent out of the water, also ranking 3rd in overall score standings in the process. Booyah. However things didn’t go so well this second time around, and Jammamamma ended up whupping me just as bad as I did with Paint it Black. Owch. Slightly shaken, we moved to the third song, and the game randomly chooses the person to pick it, which turned out to be me. So I set out to exact retribution with Cliffs of Dover, laughing evilly in the process of selecting the song. However as the song opens up and goes through the first half, I find myself behind, and the score needle is alllll the way to the right favoring Jammamamma. However I manage to pull out some insane crazy riffs, hitting notes and sequences I’ve never managed to nail before, and came out on top, needle allll the way to my side, by the end of the song. Oh and I also managed to pull my score up to the all-time best 5th slot in the rankings in the process.
Kudos to Jammamamma, whoever the hell you are, for a close match. *phew!!* I’m going to call that a nite!
It’s too bad you can’t talk trash while you’re playing tho. That would be lotsa fun.
Here are the wonderful camera phone screen caps:
My first ever time playing Impulse. On Expert. I don’t even have it to select from my own play list yet! Where is it? Like one of the last songs??
Funny how I displace Jammamamma in the Impulse score rankings yet lose to him/her the next time I do battle
Here you can see, by Jammamamma’s ranking in 8th for Cliffs of Dover, how close we were in the final battle. I dunno how I did it but I did!!
Okay who’s challenging me from GDnet? Come on!! Bring it while I’m still overconfident and poised to loose horribly!! Hurry up! Won’t last forever!
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