Blade Edge

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Monster Box

August 19th, 2009 · No Comments · Personal

Last week at the gym on Tuesday my friends and I tried an event that was brought to our attention by my friend Carl at my birthday party last month when he handed me a DVD of the Monster Box event. We all watched it that night and decided that of course we had to try it ourselves. What is the Monster Box? This YouTube video will demonstrate:

The Box in this video is 9.4 feet high from the base (2m 86cm). Now lets see how we do:

Okay so the players in the video are me, Anthony, Sasha and Edmund – in that order at the beginning. This video shows us taking on the ~8′ Box. We started with the red trapezoid removed from the top, so the Box was ~7′ high. Eventually we all made it over the ~8′ box and then placed panel mats under the table trainer the trapezoids were placed upon to jack it up to around 9 feet (I did use a tape measure to confirm the height at the end, it was hard to get an accurate measure due to the slope of the mats). Then we all had trouble, and the only one who came close to making it all the way over was Edmund – he scraped a butt cheek coming off the back. I managed to at least get a clean up to sit on top about halfway over.

Note that we are using a mini tramp and not a springboard, so we had it a lot easier than the guy in the first video. But we used the mini tramp because 1) it was our first time trying it and 2) Sash’s knees can’t handle a springboard anymore.

There are a lot of crazy folk at the gym that night since it’s an adult open workout. We had hoped more would try it and mangle themselves in the process but after we went from 7′ to 8′ no one seemed to want to play with the big boys anymore. Although at 7′ one guy took the whole stack down after him when he slid off the end, hahahah.

The plan is to set up and do it again next week, with a springboard this time, starting from 7′ again. We’re going to place the springboard on the spring floor to still give us a little help. I’ll also have my own camera. Thanks tho to Carl for taking these clips!

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