It was another memorable year in San Francisco for me while attending the 25th Annual Game Developers Conference. While GDC was busy celebrating its quarter-century birthday, I was busy myself celebrating a decade of GDC attendance. My first GDC was back in 2002 and it’s been an awesome ride ever since. People who have never […]
Entries Tagged as 'deus ex'
GDC 2011 Recap
March 7th, 2011 · 2 Comments ·
Tags:deus ex·gdc·gdnet·human revolution·igda
May 8th, 2006 · No Comments · Personal
Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll Been a while, so I figured I oughta post something. Turns out I did lose some stuff with my old hard drive – lost a bunch of artwork I had done for GC. Not a huge setback, but still a major annoyance. What’s even more annoying is that I think I […]
Tags:batman show·computer·deus ex·tgb
New Lust Item
January 29th, 2005 · 1 Comment · Personal
Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll So I realized that I needed a new gadget in my life. I still want to build my desktop system but my new laptop will suffice for a good while. My first impulse was to get a PDA, like the Dell Axiom. I have an old Handspring Visor but the thing […]
Feeling Better
January 26th, 2005 · No Comments · Personal
Transposed from Gaiiden’s Scroll So I was too sick to do much of anything over the weekend, besides play lots of Deus Ex of course. Some nasty cold hit me hard, and the flu seems to be going around too. As one of the coaches put it today, we do indeed work in a giant […]
Tags:computer·deus ex·gdnet·gymnastics·snow