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Changes the tile set that the engine uses to render the maps



void CTileMngr::ChangeTileSet (string str_image_id, int i_rows, int i_cols)


image_id the ID of the new image object
rows the number of rows in the tile set
cols the number of columns in the tile set


This function takes an image ID that references a new tile template for the map engine to use. You must also specify the correct dimensions of the tile set. Caution: This function simply swaps the old tileset with the new one. This can be cool since you can have two seperate tilemaps for one map and swap them to instantaneously change the map's appearance, but make sure the tile sets have the same dimensions, or there may be errors when the map renderer tries to access map tile image cells that no longer exist.



CTileMngr tile_mngr;
tile_mngr.ChangeTileSet("new_tileset", 5, 5);

Prev: ChangeLayerType