Table of Contents



struct TEXT_OBJ
    int _i_xpos;
    int _i_ypos;
    int _i_clip_w;
    int _i_clip_h;
    int _i_show_time;
    int _i_ttype;
    int _i_style;
    int _i_size;
    int _i_font_height;
    int _i_width;
    int _i_height;
    int _i_alpha;
    bool _b_show;
    bool _b_delay;
    bool _b_centered;
    bool _b_repeat;
    string _str_text;
    string _str_timer;
    string _str_hotspot;
    string _str_font_id;
    string _str_select_id;
    SDL_Color _col_fore;
    SDL_Color _col_back;
    EFFECT_OBJ _effect;


_i_xpos the x position on screen
_i_ypos the y position on screem
_i_clip_w the width of the text before it wraps
_i_clip_h the height of the wrapped text before it cannot print anymore
_i_show_time number of ms to display message (optional)
_i_ttype the type of text object
_i_style style of the text (bold, italic, etc)
_i_size the point size of the font
_i_font_height the height of the font
_i_width the width of the text
_i_height the height of the text
_i_alpha the text's alpha transparency value
_b_show whether to render text or not
_b_delay whether to render text or not
_b_centered whether to center the text around the x and y pos
_b_repeat whether to loop a delay timer
_str_text the text to display
_str_timer ID for timed message display
_str_hotspot the id of the hotspot created over the input/select area
_str_font_id the id of the font to use with this text object
_str_select_id the id of the image object to use for a selection box
_col_fore the foreground text color
_col_back the background text color
_effect the text effect object for processing fades